Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Learning Something New About Water

WOW! I am excited and inspired at learning something new! I have always thought, since I was a young adult (a long time ago!), that to have a truly open mind, and be open to learning new things for my entire life, was a goal worth keeping in focus. And so I have maintained a certain reverence and respect for people who are open minded and positive and excited about learning new things. This is what has enabled me to be open to learning and growing. I LOVE learning new things!

This week I went to meet a new potential customer who lives about 20 miles away and has some serious water problems. Since I have been in the water treatment business for 28 years, I knew I could help her and her family. She had very hard water (high minerals) which was wrecking havoc on her water pipes and appliances throughout her house, and she also had RADON in her water! Yes, the same radon that comes from radioactive materials like uranium! Well, it was well water, no pun intended, and I had to find a solution to both of these issues.

What I found was that she needed two separate systems, one for the mineral issues throughout the whole house, and one for the radon to protect her families health.  The most important issue is health, so that's where I will start. Multipure has an NSF Int. certified system to remove radon and that is what she needed. To solve the mineral problem, she had two choices: a water softener that adds salt to the water and is bad for the environment, or a water treatment system that allows the minerals to remain in the water but prevents them for adhering to anything.

After extensive research on the various systems available and what would work best for her specific situation, I recommended the Scale Blaster residential unit, which was less than one-third the price of a decent water softener and is maintenance free for 20 years! She and her husband were very impressed with the research, the facts, and the price savings, so they purchased both units. They are big on optimal health for their family so they will soon also be purchasing a whole house Multipure system a s well.